so probably about a year ago i started a thing called Blogger interview, were i came up with a couple of questions and asked bloggers to fill it out and posted it most sundays. When i stopped blogging i kind of gave it up, but now i really want to start it back up again. So this weeks interview is by a lovely lady called jess who run a blog called dungarees and donuts.

1. Tell Me A bit About Yourself?: Hi I'm Jessica Leigh, and I am studying film and television production and university and also have a part time job at sainsburys (super exciting I know!) I am 18 years old and live in a small town just outside of birmingham
2. Whats The Name Of Your Blog?: My blog is called and food is the reason behind the name!
3. Explain What Your Blog Is About?: My blog features pretty much everything, I do lifestyle, fashion, food related and beauty posts! I love to blog about everything which I found interesting!
4. What Inspired You To Start Your Blog?: My best friend, she had a blog last year and it seemed really cool and she was meeting some amazing people and I really wanted to get involved!
5. If You Could Only Have One Make-up Item In The World What Would It Be?: Eyeliner, I look ill without it! Closely followed by foundation.
6. What Posts Do You Enjoy Writing The Most? Reviews, Swatches, Products e.t.c?: I love reviewing products to help other people when they're buying things especially when the product is awful, I also enjoy wishlists they're great around this time of year to get ideas for christmas!
7. Where Can We Follow You?: Bloglovin: twitter: jessiekins, GFC: Jessiekinsxo :-)
8. What Blogs Do You Recommend Us To Read? she is my best friend, so i am slightly biased, but her posts are great and she writes really well! I really like
9. Where Do You See Your Blog Going In The Next Year?: Hopefully just getting more blog followers and views and that people love reading my blog still!
10. And Lastly,Is There Any Advice You Would Give To Other Bloggers? Be yourself, it's your blog you should post what you want- also take pictures landscape they look better that way!
see you soon xxxxxxxx
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