so today i am going to show you how you can get your own blog lovin' account if you don't have one already, and how to follow me on there.
As most of you will know, google friend connect is closing down, as of july 1st i believe (please correct me if im wrong) and the best may to follow your favourite blogs is through bloglovin'
seen as hellocotton closed down aswell, soon people aren't going to be able to follow blogs at all. anyway.
so to start of with you need to go to and click on the button that says "join bloglovin"
then itll take you to a page that says "sign up with facebook" or "sign up with email". i prefer the sign up email way but if you have a facebook account and don't mind bloglovin connecting to that then its quicker, you can just click onto it and it'll ask for your permission on facebook and then your done its all set up and you can skip to the import blog bit, if not follow this:
Then fill out all of the details and press "sign up"
then itll come up with a screen that says "please check your email" go into your email box, it should already be there, and click the link. It will then open a new window to bloglovin
it'll take you to this page that well import all your favourite blogs that you already follow on google reader and put them into your bloglovin account, how amazing is that!!
click it and then itll ask for your permission again accept and then it'll start to import them with a progress bar, it'll take about 3-4 min depending on how many blogs you follow. Then it'll take you to your home page, click on my blog if you have one, if not skip to the end.
it'll then come to a a blank screen that has a blue "claim button" on the left side, click on it and it'll pop up with a little window. You need to type in your blogs name and it will find it for you. Then click "claim blog".
It will then come up with a code you need to put onto your blog. You need to make a brand new blog post, with no title or anything, and just paste the code into the blog post and publish it, then go back into bloglovin and click the "claim blog button again" it will then close this little window and show your blog on the my blog can then delete that blog post.
then this will be your page, you can edit your blog details here anytime you want.
Then click up the top again and click on settings, this will take you to the settings page to set up your own profile page. scroll down a little, and you will see the screen below. Your image will have to be your facebook image unfortunately. so put in all your details and then scroll down and press "update"
then go to search blogs and type in your blog name. click on your blogs name and itll take you to your blog, then you can click on your name on the right hand side and that'll take you to your profile.
this is what everyone else sees. If you dont like a bit of it, go back to the settings page to sort it out.
then your home page. This is where you can see all your blogs in one place. it shows you every blog post that you havent read. when you have clicked on them itll will turn white on the home page. You can also go through all the blogs on the right side and go through past posts and things like that. The popular page and top blogs are there so you can find new blogs or see who likes what.
To follow my blog, all you have to do is go to the search bar and search KelseyKate. Hope you can follow.
hope you enjoyed this post.
Great post! I struggled with this, will definitely sort it out in the morning! Thanks